Windows installation
This guide describes how to download and install the TWINS desktop wallet for Windows 10, Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.
Download the wallet from
DO NOT use any other download locations as those do not guarantee that you will get a clean wallet that has not been tampered with.
The Windows wallet comes with an automatic installer so just save it to a directory of your choice.
Run the downloaded installer to start the installation process.
At this point, you may see a warning from Windows SmartScreen (or a similar program) that the app is unrecognized. You can safely skip past this warning by clicking More info, then Run anyway.
The installer will then guide you through the installation process.
Click through the following screens. All settings can be left at their default value unless you have a specific reason to change something.
Once installation is complete, the TWINS core wallet will start up immediately. If it does not, click Start > TWINS Core > TWINS Core to start the application.

The first time the program is launched, you will be asked where you want to store your wallet and blockchain data. Choose a location with enough free space as the files can take more space as the blockchain grows. It is recommended to use the default data folder if possible.
Initial startup might take a minute and once started wait for the wallet to fully synchronise before you start using it.
When the synchronisation is complete you will see a small green icon lighting up at the bottom right corner in your wallet:

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